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Healthy InsideExploring 5 Surprising Explanations for Excessive Nighttime Sweating

Exploring 5 Surprising Explanations for Excessive Nighttime Sweating

Could your mattress become a wading-pool in the morning? What causes night sweats? And when should you consult a doctor about them?
What causes night sweats?
Everyone has been thrown out of bed by a hot night or woken with a slick of sweat on their face after a vivid dream. Even though it can be annoying, persistently sweating in the evening is not always a problem. According to the Mayo Clinic, waking up with soaked sheets or soggy pajamas is a sign of a medical condition known as sleep hypohidrosis.

The prevalence of night sweats is comparatively high. The analysis shows that anywhere from 10 to 40% of adults will report night sweats in any given year. What are the causes of evening sweats? There are many causes, so there is no universal answer. You must first determine what is causing your PM perspiration. Where to begin? This list includes the common and the relatively uncommon.

Thyroid problems
When you wonder what causes night sweats, consider your thyroid, the tiny butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck. According to the Mayo Clinic it controls how your body uses energy. When it releases too much thyroxine (also known as hyperthyroidism), your internal engine revs up. This can cause night sweats and other symptoms such as increased appetite, racing heartbeat, and unintended loss of weight. The results of blood tests can only establish the condition. Here are a few additional signs that indicate you should get your thyroid tested. Normal hormone therapy will usually be enough to calm the symptoms.

Low blood sugar
If you’ve got type 1 diabetes, you may be awaking feeling hot and bothered as your body is alerting you of low blood sugar. This condition is also known as hypoglycemia. According to the American Diabetes Affiliation, this causes the release of epinephrine or adrenaline (the “fight-or flight” hormone responsible for making you sweat). According to the internet resource Diabetes Self Administration, night sweats can occur when you do not inject enough insulin before you go to bed. These sweating episodes are treatable by taking preventative measures such as eating a late-night snack to help balance your insulin levels.

Stress sweat is totally different from the type of sweat your body pumps out during exercise. According to the International Hyperhidrosis Society, when anxiety hits, moisture is released from apocrine ducts in the armpits and groin. If you’re just overheated, sweat is released by other glands. Try deep breathing, meditation, or gentle bedtime yoga to help calm your anxious mind before you go to sleep. Concentrate on feeling relaxed, and your sweat glands will get the message. Repeat one of the phrases below to calm your nerves.

Evening sweats can be caused by infections, and tuberculosis is the main culprit. According to the CDC TB symptoms include a fever, which can cause chills, as well as weight loss, a lack of appetite, and a persistent cough lasting three weeks or more. Evening sweats can also be caused by other, less common types, such as bacterial infections (bone irritation), osteomyelitis, and endocarditis.

Up to 85 percent of women report hot flashes during menopause. They don’t just happen at night. Throughout menopause, estrogen and progesterone–hormones that, amongst different issues, have an effect on the physique’s temperature management–fluctuate, inflicting the attribute sudden heat. Turn on a fan near your bed whenever you feel hot. You can also consider moisture-wicking pajamas, such as Cool-jams. These are specially designed to keep menopausal women dry at night.

Even young women can suffer from night sweats. The same hormones are to blame. Researchers found that women in their luteal phase (second half of menstrual cycles, when PMS symptoms are more likely to occur) sweat more than those who were still in the first half.

A glass of wine to help you relax before bed could cause you to wake up in a pool or sweat. According to WebMD, alcohol can affect the nervous system as well as the body’s ability to sense and control temperature. Vasodilation is the process of widening blood vessels in your skin. This causes you to feel warm and flushed.

According to the Mayo Clinic, certain medications, such as antidepressants, like SSRIs, and diabetes drugs, like metformin can cause your body to heat up in bed. Even OTC medications like painkillers naproxen can cause sweating. The Worldwide Hyperhidrosis Society provides a list of Rx medications that can cause you to sweat.

Sleep Apnea
The Mayo Clinic describes OSA as a disorder that occurs when your throat muscles loosen and block your airway. As a result, you will find that your breathing stops and starts repeatedly while you sleep. You may wake up with a red face and covered in sweat due to the increased effort needed to catch your breathe. In a 2013 study, 30% of men and 33% of women with OSA sweated at night compared to only 9% of men and 14% of women in the general population.

In most cases, the solution to evening sweats can be as simple as drinking your favorite cup of tea. Caffeine does have its benefits, but keeping you dry in the evening is not one of them. Caffeine acts as a mild stimulant. It revs up the central nervous system and heats it. Caffeine consumption can increase night sweats and hot flashes in menopausal women. Learn what happens to your body when you consume that venti-latte.

Low testosterone (Low T) in males
A therapy for prostate cancer can cause hot flashes to happen in up to 80 percent of patients. The treatment, known as androgen-deprivation reduces levels of testosterone. Harvard Health consultants believe that more research is needed, but scientists suspect the thermal control center in the hypothalamus of the brain, a part the nervous system. The Harvard Well being consultants believe that the nervous system sends signals that cause blood vessels in the skin to widen. This produces a sensation of heat similar to the flashes experienced by women going through menopause.

No research has been done on the relationship between evening sweats, gastroesophageal acid reflux disease (GERD), and night sweats. One 2003 study did find a connection: the authors noted that casual observations suggested that GERD sufferers often experience a dramatic reduction in their night sweats. Fortunately, controlling GERD is as simple as making a few dietary modifications. Here’s where to begin.

Continual fatigue syndrome
According to the Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention, night sweats are usually a sign of myalgic Encephalomyelitis. According to The American ME and CFS Society, this energy-sapping condition affects an estimated 2,5 million people. Typically evening sweats are a sign of an early stage or relapse. According to the society, evening sweats are caused by an activated immune system, hormonal imbalances during menopause and low blood glucose.

Most cancers
Lymphoma, a cancerous tumor that attacks the body’s immune system known as the lymphatics, is a type of most cancers. According to the Mayo Clinic, drenching night sweats are a sign of lymphoma. It’s essential to notice that lymphoma could be accompanied by different signs as effectively–resembling fatigue, weight reduction, and shortness of breath–so speak to a physician earlier than considering this scary analysis. Here are nine more things your sweat can tell you about your health.

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